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Happy new year 2020

Hello guys, today I am talking about happy new year images

If you want to marge multiple category into one website like event bloging are you doing in that and images are you uploading into them and more things

They can rank your post or not rank so this is right things or wrong so today I am tell all about on this topic so lets get started this article and know all knowledge

As I am saying above that this good things you are want to doing event bloging into one website but
There are some problem like you got some keywords problems

Suppose your website is upon on marketing right but you want to do event blogging into them so this is totally wrong path

If you seriously want to creating a website or blog about event bloging then you need to selec t a different kind of website like similar to your event

Because google are given first priority if your blog are similar to your nich idea which you want to do on that so you need to do that’s things

But if your website are depends on images then you can do that kind of things because there are some kind of similar things are you providing to your audience

So you do that things and if you want to rank your images then you also read my previous article which I posted in recent days

So now you understand in which type of website are you doing event bloging or their another kind of things are also comes if you want to doing like that

Now what happen you mix multipul things into one website

So this is your hand what you want to do into your website but there are some commence which you use

As I am explain above which kind of category are you insert into your website so make sure if you thinking multiple things you put into your website then more and more traffic comes if you thinking like that then you are wrong

So what is the correct things and how you can do the right things into right manner this is easy to do

Understand this things that if you creating a website and you first of all in the stating you take a decision when you selecting your domain so

At this point you choose a category which kind of category you want to explore into your website and after this you selecting your domain name and

Doing all things then you make posting all kind of post into related to that topic so make sure now you understand this is the basic knowledge all you know but I am giving this an idea for new guys which are totlly new into this field

So after you doing all done now you can do all kind of experiment for ranking and explore your ideas into your website

This is the best way to create your website like pro

First of all you doing some little research about your content and find which kind of website already are rank and you taken an idea and implement into your website and you can promote your every post into your all kind of community which are you made for future

So hope you all got my experience I am meet you into next articles.

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